La Repubblica journal talks about Benso’s Vintage Menu

In the editorial N.23 (The pleasure of the taste), a dossier of the national journal “La Repubblica- Bologna, the journalist Sabrina Camonchia published a report entitled “Tour among the tables looking for the classics” in which she talks about traditional Bolognese dishes and where to eat them in the city.

One of the article is dedicated to Benso and his vintage menu, which the journalist tasted during a private event for the press.

The Benso vintage proposal wants to enhance the old favorites that thriving on the Italian table during the 80’s, always reinvented in a contemporary reinterpretation by the chef Corrado Parisi. Shrimp cocktail, Penne alla Vodka, Seafood risotto, Octopus with potatoes and many more.

Chef Corrado Parisi, the brain behind Benso cuisine, explains “how useless it is denying our roots, these preparations not only mark our life at the table, but for chefs like we are, they played a significant role to our professional growth.”.